KidKraft Chelsea Doll Cottage Wooden Dollhouse with

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    • February 27, 2023

    This KidKraft Chelsea Doll Cottage Wooden Dollhouse with drops from $104.0 to $36.46 today only. That is a savings of $67.54. The KidKraft Chelsea Doll Cottage stands over two feet tall, with three levels and five rooms of fun just waiting to be discovered. The cheery, homey dcor is full of ginghams, florals and bright colors. Children can have fun playing and decorating with the included 16-piece furniture pack with pieces such as a patio umbrella, bathtub, vanity and lamp. Set up bunk beds in the kids' room or design the perfect den with the little grand piano. The size of the house makes it ideal for placing on top of a table or on the floor for more relaxed playing. The Chelsea doll Cottage is ideal for five-inch dolls and collectibles, making it home to many of the popular figurines existing in your child's collection already.


    By April Alexander

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