iBUYPOWER SlateMR276i Gaming Desktop - 12th Gen

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    • November 17, 2022

    Right now at Amazon you can get iBUYPOWER SlateMR276i Gaming Desktop - 12th Gen for $1399.99. The cord management system is amazing and the case is great at dissipating heat. The specs are great for the budget and I've been able to play pretty much everything at Ultra 100+ FPS on my 1080p ultrawide monitor. I wanted to build my own rig but with Costco discounts plus the extended warranty, this made more sense. My daughter is very happy with it. Best specs I could find for the price. Great tech support. Awesome experience buying from iBuyPower. Very nice cable management as well and quality components. Arrived in perfect working condition. I am so impressed with this company and their product, they offer some great quality parts and it is meticulously organized and assembled in a way I would have done myself. I'm so happy with the build quality. It's the best I've ever seen for a gaming PC. I can't believe how well built this rig is. I've never seen anything like it. I want to buy one for myself.


    By Anna Cole

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