Further Food Wild Caught Marine Collagen, Unflavored

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    • November 15, 2022

    This Further Food Wild Caught Marine Collagen, Unflavored drops to $39.99 today only. 14.9 oz Type 1, 2 & 3 Collagen 6,600 mg Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides Per Serving Sourced From Wild- Caught Codfish Absorbed Quickly. Beautiful Skin, Hair & Nails: Promotes beautiful skin, smooths wrinkles and improves skin hydration & elasticity. Strong Body, Healthy Gut: May help strengthen bones & joints, and reduce joint pain & stiffness. May help reduce gut inflammation, aid in digestion and repair intestinal lining. Highest Bioavailability: The most bioavailable form of collagen, absorbed by the body quickly & easily for maximum beauty benefits. Fast. Absorbs quickly and easily to maximize beauty benefits, fast. Fast and easy to absorb. Fast to absorb, fast and easily. This dissolves easily and doesn't have a fishy taste at all, I use this every day! I find marine collagen more effective than bovine. So I'll take it more powdery knowing that it's better for your skin. All in all its a great product. The results is what is most important to me. I'm satisfied with this product and it's ingredients. I will continue to buy from Costco since they have the best price by far. I'll be using it in my smoothies every morning and I don't think it has any taste and it dissolves very easily! So I'm happy to say that it indeed does not have any taste, and it mixes very well. I've been using it for a week now and I'm very happy with the results.


    By April Alexander

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