11-piece Ozark Trail camping set for $15

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    • April 9, 2023

    This 11-piece Ozark Trail camping set for $15 drops from $30.0 to $15.0 today only. That is a savings of $15.00. The Ozark Trail 11 Piece Camping Tool Set includes a hatchet with nylon handle, durable polypropylene sheath with belt buckle and a magnesium fire rod and whistle. The steel hatchet head is covered with a black coating to give it a nice finish and help with rust-resistance. Stored in the hatchet handle is the hand saw, for convinience and easy carry. Perfect for your next camping adventure. Includes: hatchet, fixed blade knife, two 7 cm carabiners with lock gate, lensatic compass, 50-foot 550lbs paracord, and metal pocket chainsaw. The hatchet has a nylon handle and a nylon sheath, with a belt buckle to make it easy to carry. The fixed blade Knife has a durable Polypropylene Sheath with sharpening stone, and two 7cm Carabiners. The lensatic Compass has a lock gate and a lensatic. compass, and a 50 Foot Paracord. The hand saw is stored in the back of hatchet Handle, for easy carry and convinience. The metal pocket Chainsaw has a metal pocket chain, for quick and easy access to a chainsaw in the event of an emergency. The nylon hatchet and sheath have a nylonhandle and a poly Propylene sheathe, with sharpened stone, to make them easy to use.


    By Violet Taylor

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